Alternative Delivery Methods and Contracting Strategies
Join us online using Zoom on Tuesday, May 17th from 1:00pm-2:30pm (note the afternoon time slot this time!) for our webinar program, “Alternative Delivery Methods and Contracting Strategies”. We will have two speakers joining us: John Palewicz, principal of John Palewicz Consulting and long-time UW Capital Planning and Development leader, will discuss Alternative Public Works, and Robynne Thaxton, Seattle attorney and the principal of Thaxton Parkinson PLLC, will talk about the basics and lessons learned regarding progressive design-build.
Join us for this informative program from two long-time leaders of alternative delivery methods to better understand how your organization might consider project delivery in the future.
Our webinar is no charge to 2022 NWCCC members, and only $299 for non-members. Details to sign-in to the event on Zoom will be sent via email ahead of the program.