Navigating Washington’s Clean Buildings Act
Join us online using Teams on Wednesday, April 2nd from 10:00-11:30am for our webinar program, “Navigating Washington’s Clean Buildings Act”. In 2019 the WA State Clean Buildings bill was signed into law, expanded in 2022, and augmented in 2023 with the aim of meeting state energy goals. The compliance standards are broad and include measuring and tracking energy use, an operations and maintenance (O&M) program, creation of an energy management plan (EMP), and requirements to meet energy performance metrics. The next three years are the compliance deadlines for certain buildings, so you need to find out if you are impacted and what you need to do!
Join us for this informative program to ensure you remain in compliance with state laws. Our webinar is no charge to 2025 NWCCC members, and only $349 for non-members. Details to sign-in to the webinar on Zoom will be sent via email ahead of the program.