Past Presentations
NWCCC encourages all presenters at the monthly meetings to provide their presentations for inclusion on this website. The presentation titles are listed below in alphabetical order. Clicking on a title will take you to a bio of the presenter and date of presentation. From there, you can download the presentation in Adobe Acrobat format.
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Presentation Summary
Speaker: Jamie Dabbs, TDIndustries & Barry Nelson, FactorLab
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Speaker: Lingzi Wu, UW Construction Management
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Speaker: Bill Sloniker, WA Dept of Labor & Industries
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Speaker: Glen Gipe, WA Dept of Enterprise Services
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Speaker: Nancy Deakins, WA Dept of Enterprise Services
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Speaker: Randy Harlow, Sound Transit
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Speaker: Robert Smith, LMN Architects
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Speaker: Kris Johnson, AWB
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Speaker: Maria Zeman & Charles Hackel, WA Dept of Ecology
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Speaker: Jonathan Duke, bp Cherry Point Refinery
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Speaker: Loren Burnett, Mija Hubler, and Linfei Li - Prometheus Materials
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Speaker: Todd Schoonover, WA Dept of Labor & Industries
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Category: Contracts
Speaker: Robynne Thaxton, ThaxtonParkinson
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Category: Contracts
Speaker: John Palewicz, John Palewicz Consulting
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Speaker: Justin Freeman, Coffman Engineers
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Speaker: Mandi Kime, AGC of Washington
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Speaker: Amy Paulson, UW Forefront Suicide Prevention
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Speaker: Ken Warren, Port of Seattle
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Speaker: Dave Johnson, Hoffman Construction
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Speaker: Tracey Anderson, Shell/HollyFrontier
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Speaker: Tyler Kimberley - IMCO Construction
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Speaker: Rob Fix, Port of Bellingham
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Category: Risk
Speaker: Erica C. Fischer, PhD, PE, Oregon State University
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Kris Johnson, Association of Washington Business
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Anirban Basu, Sage Policy Group
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Speaker: Rebecca Gauff and Monica Van der Vieren, King County WTD
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Speaker: Sandy Paris and Tim Johnson, Phillips 66
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Speaker: Joshua Lane, Ahlers Cressman & Sleight
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Category: Ethics
Speaker: John Manhoney, Tanner Pacific
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Speaker: Liz Korb Matson, King County Wastewater Treatment Division
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Speaker: Nori Catabay, King County Solid Waste Division
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Speaker: Stephanie Meyn, Port of Seattle / Jesce Walz, Perkins&Will
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Travis Millhollin, NWCCC
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Kelcey Henderson, Continuum Advisory Group
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Joseph Gildner, Sound Transit
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Greg Toy, G Toy Consulting
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Category: Safety
Speaker: Rick Stumph, Matrix Service
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Category: Safety
Speaker: Chris Pease, Phillips 66
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Category: Safety
Speaker: Mohammed Azeez, Oregon State University
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Category: Safety
Speaker: Rob Clausen and Bryce White, Stanley Black & Decker
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Category: Safety
Speaker: Travis Millhollin, NWCCC
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Category: Contracts
Speaker: Ellie Perka, Ahlers Cressman & Sleight
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Category: Safety
Speaker: Reps from Washington State Dept of Labor & Industries
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Category: Environmental regulation
Speaker: MaryBeth Gilbrough, King County Wastewater Treatment Division
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Category: Technology
Speaker: Connor Lee, Granite Construction
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Kris Johnson, Association of Washington Business
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Alexander Rist - King County
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Ken Simonson, Associated General Contractors
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Miscellaneous
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Stephen Mulva - CII
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Don Bender - WSU
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Bassem Hamdy - Brickschain
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Sam Kloes and Jerad Hicks - WRS
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Speaker: Dave Johnson - Hoffman Construction, and Stan Hummel - King County
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Speaker: Joe Baca, Samantha Kealoha, and Matoya Darby - King County
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Speaker: Ann Grothe and Faon O'Connor, King County
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Speaker: Sandy Hanks, Sonia-Lynn Abendojar, and Alejandra Calderon - King County
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Speaker: Dr Ken-Yu Lin, UW
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Speaker: Rachel Lewis, BP
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Speaker: Rick Morgan, Aaron Jerde, & Chuck Kimmel, BrandSafway
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Speaker: Gene Kaercher, Barnhart Crane & Rigging
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Speaker: Zahid Kahn and Nigel White, King County Solid Waste Division
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Speaker: Carol Rhodes, Port of Tacoma
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Dan McArthur, McArthur Executive Development
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Cary Clemenson, Matrix Service
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Category: Lean / Efficiency
Speaker: Chris Heger, OAC Services
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Category: Lean / Efficiency
Speaker: Chris Colon and Aaron Kortlever, BP Cherry Point Refinery
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Category: Lean / Efficiency
Speaker: John Strickland, CH2M
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Category: Safety
Speaker: John Gambatese, Oregon State University
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Category: Safety
Speaker: Craig Blackwood, DOSH & Travis Brock, Shield of Armor Safety
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Category: Safety
Speaker: Noah Seixas, University of Washington
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Category: Environmental regulation
Speaker: Matt Cohen and Rachel Cox, Stoel Rives LLP
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Permitting large infrastructure or industrial projects in Washington state is becoming increasingly difficult due to a number of factors. Presented are the current challenges and examples of proposed projects having difficulty obtaining permits.
Category: Commissioning
Speaker: Kolby Hoagland, King County Wastewater Treatment Division
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A catastrophic flood in February 2017 caused significant damage and a lengthy operational outage at the King County West Point Wastewater Treatment Plant. This presentation summarizes the effort involved in restoring the plant to operation over the next several months.
Category: Environmental regulation
Speaker: James Marker, Puget Sound Energy
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Puget Sound Energy offers a number of programs to help offset costs of new equipment and materials that are more energy efficient.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Andrea Johnson, University of Minnesota
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This report is a set of jointly sponsored case studies on projects utilizing Lean and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). These cases demonstrate how new and innovative practices, techniques, and strategies made a significant difference in project outcomes. This research adds to the evidence of effectiveness of IPD and Lean, and by documenting positive examples in a systematic and rigorous manner, begins to identify the motivations and mechanisms for collaboration that are key to project success.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Gretchen Gagel, Continuum Advisory Group
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Continuum Advisory Group recently completed the 2017 CURT (Construction Users Roundtable) Owner Study of best practices in achieving project excellence. Gretchen will present the results of this study, including specific information gathered on what differentiates owner organizations with high scores on project excellence from those that do not; and how A/E/C service providers can best help owners in their quest for project excellence. Gretchen will also share the results of a recent Construction Industry Institute (CII) study on owner trends gathered from 37 large owners across the US. This study, conducted in partnership between CII and Continuum Advisory Group, explores the changing role of owner engineering, construction and facilities maintenance departments as they face more pressure to be agile in supporting ever-evolving organizational performance objectives.
The assessment of project progress and performance is critically important to the successful delivery of capital facility projects. Major challenges follow from the lack of consistent, objective, and reliable metrics and indicators, along with the appropriate use and interpretation of these data for establishing suitable corrective action plans. A recent CII-sponsored research effort has identified a suite of core metrics that can improve the reliability of project progress and performance assessment. The team's research revealed that projects that use these core metrics have a greater likelihood of achieving better cost and schedule performance outcomes.
Category: Economics
Speaker: Kris Johnson, Association of Washington Business
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Ken Simonson, Associated General Contractors
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Ken Simonson, Associated General Contractors
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Ken Simonson, Associated General Contractors
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Category: Economics
Speaker: Hart Hodges, Western Washington University
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Dan Abbey, BP
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Thomas D'Angelo, BP, and Frank Capristo, MatrixService
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Dr Carrie Sturts Dossick, University of Washington
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Joseph Brewer, Dow Chemical
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: David Myers, Port of Tacoma
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Tom Pauly, Shell Puget Sound Refinery
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Randy Everett, UW, and Brian Dague, BNBuilders
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Luke Bentley, Granite
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Linneth Riley-Hall, SoundTransit
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Category: Commissioning
Speaker: Dan Overman, BP
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Tools and techniques used by BP for safe and successful commissioning of projects to operation.
Category: Commissioning
Speaker: Mo Luqman, HenselPhelps, & Ash Awad, McKinstry
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Challenges faced and a process for managing a project's transition to operations.
Category: Commissioning
Speaker: Jeff Angeley, University of Washington
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The University of Washington's experience with the process of transitioning new buildings to occupancy.
Category: Commissioning
Speaker: Steve Tatge, Dr. Carrie Sturts Dossick
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Introduction to the Sept 2016 Program titled "The Project Is Done - Now What?""
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Rebecca Gauff
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Rebecca Gauff, PE, LEED AP-O&M, ENV-SP
Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Derek Case & George White
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Derek Case, PE
Assistant State Construction Engineer –SR 520 Project, Construction Division
George White, Co Founder & CEO
Pavia Systems, Inc.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Sean C. Gay & Bart W. Reed Stoel
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Category: Environmental regulation
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Speaker: Fishman, Robert E.
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Speaker: Fishman, Robert E.
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Knue, Tim
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October 22, 2014
Tim Knue
Executive Director
Washington Association for Career and Technical Education
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Mulva, Stephen P
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October 22, 2014
Stephen P. Mulva, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Construction Industry Institute
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Hoekstra, Renee
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Ramsey, David
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David Ramsey
PhD Student
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Arizona State University
Category: Risk
Speaker: Reed, Bart W.
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Bart W. Reed
Stoel Rives Construction & Design Practice Group
Stoel Rives LLP
Dave Sowers
Washington Department of Transportation
Lisa Taylor
Project Control and Contract Management Division Manager
King County Wastewater Treatment Division
Speaker: Abdel Aziz, Dr. Ahmed M.
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Dr. Ahmed M. Abdel Aziz
College of Built Environments
University of Washington
Carol Bolstad
President, Senior Planner
Scheduling Information Services, Inc.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Mulva, Stephen
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Dr. Stephen P. Mulva
Associate Director
CII Construction Industry Institute
Research clearly indicates what things lead to good project and business outcomes. The main finding is that working relationships and team dynamics are the largest source of variance in the cost and schedule performance of a capital project. Solving the issue of lack of communication and alignment between business teams and project teams inside an owner organization improves performance. Dr. Mulva presents a wide-ranging view of Project Performance and its root causes back to the people doing the projects and the impact of their ability to communicate.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Newkirk, Michael
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October 23, 2013
Michael Newkirk
Director, Corporate HSE Programs
Fluor Corporation
Hazard recognition is a critical skill which is fundamental to many other safety processes, including pre-job planning, work observation programs, and inspections. Yet, hazard recognition among construction workers is relatively poor, with workers able to identify fewer than half the jobsite hazards they encounter. Michael presents an overview of three hazard recognition improvement strategies, field tested at six different project sites, and discuss how these simple tools can improve work crews’ ability to recognize and communicate hazards on the job.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Wagner, Barbara
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Barbara Wagner
Sr. Vice President
Clark Construction
Design Build and other integrated project delivery methods have grown in popularity largely because of Owner demand. For Design build to be successful there must be full participation of the owner along with the commitment to fully communicate and collaborate across the entire team. Learn what DBIA research indicates are the core skills required for success in Design Build delivery.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Wagner, Barbara
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Barbara Wagner
Sr. Vice President
Clark Construction
Design Build and other integrated project delivery methods have grown in popularity largely because of Owner demand. For Design build to be successful there must be full participation of the owner along with the commitment to fully communicate and collaborate across the entire team. Learn what DBIA research indicates are the core skills required for success in Design Build delivery.
Rick Watters
Director of Technical Services
Keystone Projects
Harold モSkipヤ York, PhD
Principal Analyst, Oils Research
Wood Mackenzie
Category: Safety
Speaker: Gibbons, Billy
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Billy Gibbons
Global Account Executive
JMJ Associates
Everett, WA
Michelle Jewett
Program/Project Manager
Shared Services Group
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Wanberg, John
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Billy Gibbons
Global Account Executive
JMJ Associates
Everett, WA
Overview of the Construction Industry Institute RT284 Research Team Findings
Speaker: Casada, Max
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Speaker: Brooker, Ida
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Ida Brooker
Category: Safety
Speaker: Norris, Alan
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Alan Norris
Manager of Construction Safety Services
Port of Seattle
Safety Challenges for Delivering Capital Construction Projects at our Operating Airport and SeaPort Terminal
Jess Brown
Shell PSR Capital Projects Safety Coordinator
Haskell Corp
An overview of our Haskell’s safety program for the Capital Projects Group at the Shell PSR Refinery
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Ayers, Stephen
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Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Rizzio, Thomas
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Michael Landry
Managing Director
FMI Capital Advisors
How are macro-economic trends affecting your projects? What impact is the current economic climate having on your service providers? How is project delivery changing in this new environment? Understand how owners and construction and engineering companies are responding in these changing times and how the current environment is shaping project delivery.
Understand macro-economic trends affecting project delivery ,what impact consolidation and acquisitions have on owners, construction engineering companies and project delivery, and what this means for the future of project delivery.
Michael Landry, a Managing Director with FMI, is the sector leader for engineering and design firms within FMI’s investment banking group. He advises leading firms on buying companies, merging with other companies, selling companies, and selling non-core operations. Michael also helps companies with capital structuring and sourcing, strategic planning and ownership transition issues.
Michael has significant domestic and international industry experience, having been Vice President of Finance for CH2M HILL, Vice President and Head of Mergers and Acquisitions for The Shaw Group and Director of Acquisitions and Divestitures for Duke Energy. Michael was also a development banker, focused on Asian infrastructure projects, for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Michael’s experience base encompasses the water and wastewater, transportation, power, environmental, disaster recovery and response, general building, oil and gas, and chemicals sectors. In addition, he has experience with operations and maintenance, facilities management, program management, military housing and government contracting.
Michael received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Louisiana State University and a Master of International Management degree from the Thunderbird School of Global Management. He holds FINRA Series 79 and 63 licenses.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Sanders, Doug
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Doug Sanders
Borden Ladner Gervais
Public Private Partnerships are widely used in Canada, Europe and Asia, and are a growing segment of project delivery options in the US as States enact enabling legislation. Learn about successful P3 models used for a variety of infrastructure projects from transportation, to hospitals, schools, and other public facilities. It’s much more than just financing. P3 is about risk transfer, quality, life cycle costing, and expeditious delivery. With 20 states now allowing some form of P3, nationwide budget constraints, and Washington State looking at this model for future transportation projects, Owners and Contractors need to understand the challenges and benefits of P3.
Mike Houle
Project Director
Partnerships BC
Public Private Partnerships are widely used in Canada, Europe and Asia, and are a growing segment of project delivery options in the US as States enact enabling legislation. Learn about successful P3 models used for a variety of infrastructure projects from transportation, to hospitals, schools, and other public facilities. It’s much more than just financing. P3 is about risk transfer, quality, life cycle costing, and expeditious delivery. With 20 states now allowing some form of P3, nationwide budget constraints, and Washington State looking at this model for future transportation projects, Owners and Contractors need to understand the challenges and benefits of P3.
Michael Houle joined Partnerships BC as a Project Director in March of 2007. Prior to joining the company, he spent 22 years in various senior management positions in both the private and public sectors. During the course of his past tenure, Michael was responsible for strategic planning, capital planning, business process re-engineering, alternative service delivery project implementation and enterprise-wide portfolio management. With masters degrees in Arts and Business Administration, Michael’s recent experiences include a broad array of North American consulting engagements ranging from enterprise network planning and integration to business case development and public private partnership project implementation.
Michael is currently leading Partnerships BC engagements in both the justice and advanced education sectors.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Cusimano, Russell
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Russell Cusimano
Every project is a unique combination of work and people
ユ It’s not the same team
ユ It’s not the same work
ユ Every mismatch between work requirement and capability incurs a 15% productivity penalty
Benchmarks, best practices and “the way we did it the last ten times” do not sufficiently account for this team, this work, this project. Learn how better management of organizational capability can increase the probability of success in project delivery.
Speaker: Smith, Eric et al
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Eric Smith et al
Director of Major Projects
Capital Projects Office
University of Washington
The UW Capital Projects Office and NW Construction Consumer Council Present: “Changing Project Delivery at the UW through Innovation, Integration, and Adoption of MC/CM and EC/CM”.
Implementing COBie & Project Delivery Innovations – Part 1
– Eric Smith, Director of Major Projects, UW CPO
Integration of the Project Team – Part 2
– Will Dann, THA Architects
– Troy Bloedel, Lease Crutcher Lewis
– Steve Tatge, UW CPO
Case Study and Panel Discussion: MC/CM & EC/CM – Part 3
– James Thomas, GLUMAC
– Judi Ebmeyer, GLUMAC
– Len Klein, GLUMAC
– Dave Nehren, Hermanson
– Tim Nelson, Nelson Electric
– Brett Magnuson, UW CPO
Steve Hutsell / Ralph Kreider
US Army Corps of Engineers / Penn State University
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Smith, Eric
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Eric Smith
Director of Capital Projects
University of Washington
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Smith, Eric
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Eric Smith
Director of Capital Projects
University of Washington
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Onuma, Kimon
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Kimon Onuma
Onuma, Inc.
Kimon Onuma’s keynote presentation, under the the title “The Future of Project Delivery”.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Foster, Birgitta
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Birgitta Foster
SSA / Sandia National Labs
Birgitta Foster’s keynote presentation, under the the title “The Future of Project Delivery”.
Category: Annual Conference
Speaker: Anderson, Davis, and Hynek
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Geoff Anderson, Chris Davis, Chuck Hynek
Lease Crutcher Lewis
Lean Construction results in added value for construction clients. The lean approach focuses on two objectives: minimizing waste in construction processes, and optimizing project delivery through improved collaboration among project partners. Technology plays an important role in helping accomplish these objectives. Today’s presentation will focus on case studies and examples of technical tools that support lean construction practices and, ultimately, better project outcomes.
Deke Smith
Executive Director
Building SMART Alliance
National Institute of Building Sciences
Deke Smith’s keynote presentation, under the the title “The Future of Project Delivery”.
Jody Robbins
Apprenticeship Technical Specialist
Department of Labor & Industries
State of Washington
Jody Robbins
Apprenticeship Technical Specialist
Department of Labor & Industries
State of Washington
Category: Safety
Speaker: Markee, Larry
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Larry Markee
Crane Technical Specialist
Department Of Labor and Industries
Washington State Division of Occupational Safety and Health
Norman F. Chang, MD, CIME
Occupational Medical Center of the Northwest
Category: Safety
Speaker: Dunker, Brad
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Jim Schmid
National Director of Construction Forensics
Grant Thornton
Jim Schmid is the National Director of Construction Forensics and Grant Thornton’s practice leader in the Detroit area for Forensic Accounting and Investigative Services.
Jim provides fraud investigation and project cost monitoring services for large and/or troubled construction projects. In addition, Jim provides economic and damage analysis as an expert witness and litigation support consultant for construction claims. He is a licensed CPA, a Certified Fraud Examiner and is certified by the AICPA in Advanced Business Valuation.

April 16, 2009
Jeffrey Van Duzer
School of Business and Economics
Seattle Pacific University
Jeff Van Duzer is in his eighth year as the Dean of the School of Business and Economics at Seattle Pacific University and Professor of Business Ethics and Business Law. His current areas of research include the ethics of wealth creation and distribution and the applied integration of business and theology.
Prior to his appointment to the School, Jeff was a partner with the international law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine where he practiced for more than 20 years. He concentrated his practice in commercial finance and natural resources. During his tenure with the firm he served for nearly a decade on the firm’s Executive Committee and served as the Partner in Charge of the firm’s largest office. Since coming to Seattle Pacific, Jeff has been named as the first holder of the Edward S. and A. Rita Schmidt Lectureship in Ethics, has published various articles in peer reviewed and popular journals, and has been a frequent speaker at on-campus events and in a variety of off-campus venues.
Jeff is a regular speaker at various business and church events and active in various civic affairs. For more than a decade he has served on the King County Advisory Board for the Salvation Army. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of California in 1976 majoring in rhetoric and received his J.D. degree from Yale Law School in 1979. Jeff is married to Margie Van Duzer and they have two sons, Andrew and Nate, both in their twenties.
Category: Ethics
Speaker: Jennings, Marianne
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Marianne M. Jennings
Arizona State University
Professor Marianne Jennings is a member of the Department of Management in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University and is a professor of legal and ethical studies in business. At ASU she teaches graduate courses in the MBA program in business ethics and the legal environment of business. She served as director of the Joan and David Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics from 1995-1999. From 2006-2007, she served as the faculty director for the MBA Executive Program. Professor Jennings earned her undergraduate degree in finance and her J. D. from Brigham Young University. Her internships were with the Federal Public Defender and U.S. Attorney in Nevada, and she has done consulting work for law firms, businesses and professional groups including AES, Boeing, Dial Corporation, Mattel, Motorola, CFA Institute, Southern California Edison, the Arizona Auditor General, the Cities of Phoenix, Mesa, and Tucson, the Institute of Internal Auditors, Coca-Cola, DuPont, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Motorola, Mattel, Pepsi, Hy-Vee Foods, IBM, Bell Helicopter, Amgen, Raytheon, and VIAD.
Professor Jennings has authored hundreds of articles in academic, professional and trade journals. Currently she has six textbooks and monographs in circulation. The sixth edition of her textbook, Case Studies in Business Ethics, was published in January 2008 and the eighth editions of her textbooks, Real Estate Law and Business: lts Legal, Ethical and Global Environment were published in 2008. She was added as a co-author to Anderson’s Business and the Legal Environment in 1997, a text published in its 20th edition in March 2007. Her book, Business Strategy for the Political Arena, was selected in 1985 by Library Journal as one of its recommended books in business/government relations. A Business Tale: A Story of Ethics, Choices, Success, and a Very Large Rabbit, a fable about business ethics, was chosen by Library Journal in 2004 as its business book of the year. A Business Tale was also a finalist for two other literary awards for 2004. In 2000 her book on corporate governance was published by the New York Times MBA Pocket Series. Professor Jennings’ book on long-term success, Building a Business Through Good Times and Bad: Lessons from Fifteen Companies, Each With a Century of Dividends, was published in October 2002 and has been used by Booz, Allen, Hamilton for its work on business longevity. Her latest book, The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse was published by St. Martin’s Press in July 2006. Her books have been translated into five languages.
Her columns have been syndicated around the country, and her work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, Washington Post, and the Reader’s Digest. A collection of her essays, Nobody Fixes Real Carrot Sticks Anymore, first published in 1994 is still being published. She was given an Arizona Press Club award in 1994 for her work as a feature columnist. She has been a commentator on business issues on All Things Considered for National Public Radio.
Bob Wicklein and Craig Parsons
Seneca Real Estate Group
Assessing and Managing Risk in Capital Project Delivery
Category: Risk
Speaker: Rye, Rick
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Category: Risk
Speaker: Evans and Evatt
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Paul Sommers
Professor, Institute of Public Service and Albers School of Business
Seattle University
Paul Sommers is an economist (Ph.D., Yale). Since 2004, he has been a professor at the Institute of Public Service and the Albers School of Business at Seattle University. He is also director of the university’s Center on Metropolitan Development, conducting research on economic development and workforce topics. He is an expert on regional development, and regional economic and workforce forecasting. During a 25 year career at Battelle Memorial Institute and the University of Washington, he conducted many research projects on national energy industry topics and on rural and urban regional development issues in the Northwest.
Recently, he completed a report for the State of Washington on industry clusters in 12 regions within Washington State, and a paper on an empirical methodology for identifying clusters in the Puget Sound region. In addition, a chapter he wrote on the life sciences cluster in the Puget Sound is contained in a 2008 book on innovation topics. He is a member of the Washington State Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors, and a past president of the Seattle Economists Club. He serves on the board of the Pacific Northwest Regional Economics.
John Lynch, Assistant Director, General Administration, Engr & Arch Services
Nancy Deakins, Deputy Assist. Director, General Administration, Social & Health Services
State of Washington
Stuart Simpson
Green Building Advisor
General Administration Energy Program, General Administration
State of Washington
Stuart Simpson
Green Building Advisor
General Administration Energy Program, General Administration
State of Washington
Tom Saelid
Senior Capital Budget Assistant to the Governor
Office of Financial Management
State of Washington
Larry M. Atles
West Coast Manager of Construction Services
Dean P. Findley
Director of Product Development
IPA (Independent Project Analysis, Inc.)
Tom Owens
Principal and General Counsel
Tom has been with NBBJ for nine years reviewing contracts, developing negotiation strategies and negotiating contracts, all in partnership with the design professionals at NBBJ and their clients. Tom has 25 years in the construction industry, twelve as an electrical contractor in California and thirteen as a lawyer in Washington. Tom helps design teams throughout NBBJ in meeting clientsメ needs by helping to identify client concerns and finding acceptable solutions. Tom began his career as a lawyer representing owners and contractors soon after receiving a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Washington in 1994.
Speaker: Perlberg, Brian M.
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Brian M. Perlberg
AGC Senior Counsel for Contracts and Construction Law
Mr. Perlberg manages all aspects of the new industry-endorsed ConsensusDOCS, the ground breaking effort of consensus contracts which are transforming the industry. He is AGCメs primary attorney for all contract documents and construction law matters.
Previously, Brian served as General Counsel and Director of Government Affairs for the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA). In addition, he served as a Council Member on the Maryland Green Buildings Council. Brian is a member of the bar in Maryland and the District of Columbia. ᅠHe graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law and the University of Maryland Honors Program, College Park. ᅠHe can be reached at 703-837-5318.
Patrick Curry
Manager of Projects and Engineering
Tesoro Puget Sound Refinery
Patrick Curry
Manager of Projects and Engineering
Tesoro Puget Sound Refinery
Chuck Lynch
Senior Manager Construction Management NW Region
Keith A. Rose
Air Quality Project Manager
Office of Air, Waste and Toxics
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10
Keith A. Rose
Air Quality Project Manager
Office of Air, Waste and Toxics
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10
Speaker: Pyles, Troy
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Troy Pyles, PE, Project Director
Jim Barger, Deputy Director of Review Services
Vanir Construction Management, Inc.
Steve Nelson, Shell Oil Company
Mike Wells, Oregon Electric Group, ASPE
Tony Bolstad, Scheduling and Information Services, Inc.
Dean Kashiwagi, Ph.D., P.E.
Director, Performance Based Studies
Research Group (PBSRG)
Arizona State University
Kevin J. Dayton, PE
Washington State Department of Transportation
Speaker: Rye, Rick
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John (Jack) S. Flannery
Principal Consultant HSE
Project Management
ConocoPhillips Inc.
Bob Riley
Director of Capital Improvement Projects
SeaTac Airport
Port of Seattle
Speaker: Wicklein, Bob
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Ken Marzocco
President & General Manager
VECO Engineers
Ken Marzocco
President & General Manager
VECO Engineers
Rob Irvine
Global Performance Manager
Intel Corporation
Mr. Irvine specializes in supporting Intels construction procurement activities worldwide. One of these activities includes acting as program manager for Intels Internet Negotiations program (i.e. reverse auctions). During his 10 year career at Intel, he has worked on over 40 various construction projects. These projects have ranged from general office buildings to those of high volume manufacturing facilities (his latest being Intels largest factory D1D located in Hillsboro, OR).
Mr. Irvine, as part of Intels global drive to utilize Internet Negotiations for construction goods and services, has participated in the strategic development of over 40 online events. These events include those for Architectural Engineering, General Contracting, Construction Management, Equipment, and various Trade Contractors. He also led the development of Intels Internet Negotiations Playbook outlining overall construction event methodologies.
Intel has researched the results and has some surprising findings. How did Intel implement the process? How has it worked and what has their experience been? What type of projects are reverse auctions best suited for?
Paul Doherty, CDT, CSI, AIA
Executive Vice President & CIO
The McLain Group
John Lynch
Division of Engineering and Architectural Services
State of Washington
Doug Holen
Capital Projects Office
University of Washington
Carlos Tapia
Senior Analyst of Latin American Operations
Independent Project Analysis, Inc.
Carlos joined IPA in 1996 after graduating with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rochester. He started working in both the refining and upstream business areas at IPA, participating in the majority of Latin American projects being evaluated. Carlos now leads IPA’s regional office for Latin America (the Latin America Project Center or Centro de Proyectos LatinoamericanosCPLA) and is a Co-Manager of the refining business area. Before joining IPA and attending grad school, Carlos gathered experience in diverse areas of the chemical engineering profession including refining, chemicals processing, quality control, and chemicals trading.
Hans VanWinkle
Construction Industry Institute
On September 1, 2003, Hans became only the third CII Director, following Ken Eickmann (1998-2003) and the original Director, Dr. Richard L. Tucker (1983-1998). As Director of CII, VanWinkle now leads a collaborative effort by almost 100 organizations from the engineering and construction industry in funding research to improve one of the nations largest industries. More than 700 individuals are involved in CII research, implementation, and education projects involving more than 30 of the nations top universities.
Prior to joining CII, VanWinkle (Maj. Gen., U.S. Army, Retired) was Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Washington, D.C. He oversaw the Corps’ military construction and real estate services for the Army and Air Force, the Armys national water resources program, and the design, construction management, and real estate services for other Defense and Federal agencies. The Corps’ annual budget of $14 billion makes it one of the largest public engineering organizations in the world. VanWinkle, a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, is a Registered Professional Engineer (Virginia). In addition, he holds a Master of Science degree in public policy from the University of California-Berkeley.
C. Chatt Smith
Manager of Project Controls
Jacobs Engineering
Houston, TX
Chatt is currently Manager of Project Controls for the Jacobs Engineering Houston Office. In addition he is the Project Controls Coordinator for the Central Region which includes Houston, Baton Rouge, LA, and Cypress-Los Angeles offices. He has over 27 years of experience in the petrochemical and E&C industries where he has worked in both the owner and contractor communities for BP Amoco, Stone & Webster, and Jacobs Engineering. His jobs have included engineering and management positions in operations, maintenance, economics, supply and logistics, project controls, and engineering and construction.
David Purdy, Guy Gaines, Jim Saba
Calpine Construction Corporation
David Purdy is the Director of Project Controls for Calpine Construction Corporation. In 1998 when Calpine Construction Management was formed, David was tasked with building the Project Controls group that would be responsible for Capitol Improvement Program Oversight as well as EPC and Calpine Construction projects. This program represents over 50 capital projects constructed in the last four years, with a combined annual cost exceeding $4 billion. David has better than 25 years in project control experience covering commercial, industrial, geothermal, fluidized bed boiler and combustion turbine related projects.
Guy Gaines is the Manager of Project Controls for Calpine Construction Corporation. Since joining Calpine in October of 1999, Guy has been instrumental in structuring the program and developing the tools that have been used to streamline schedule development and implementation. These tools include the Matrix Schedule Development Process, Intranet Based Contract and Procurement Database and Intranet Based Site Daily Reporting. Guy brings a diverse background of Project Control tool development as well as operational experiences, accumulated with firms such as Bechtel, DOW Chemical and the United States Naval Nuclear Power Program. He is a current member of AACE International as well as the Project Management Institute.
Jim Saba is a Senior Construction Analyst for Calpine Corporation. Mr. Saba has 15 years in the engineering and construction industry. In 1999, He engaged in consulting for the Oracle Corporation in support of their financial applications. His experience covers all phases of design and construction in both Cost and Scheduling and is a current member of AACE International and Project Management Institute. He holds a BBA in Finance from Sam Houston State University and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas in Houston.
Speaker: Busch, Jeffrey S
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Jeffrey Busch
Pinnell-Busch, Inc.
Jeffrey Busch is a Vice President of Pinnell/Busch, Inc. Mr. Buschs consulting experience encompasses the following types of construction projects: highways, bridges, industrial and commercial buildings, utilities and treatment plants, as well as military and nuclear sites. He has implemented systems and provided project management training for contractors, and owners alike. With national recognition as an expert in project management, Mr. Busch has emerged as a leading West Coast consultant and has presented management seminars and training workshops throughout the U.S. as well as in Japan, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe.
Pinnell/Busch has graciously provided a copy of Steve Pinnells paper, Dispute Management Programs – Partnering, Claims Management and Dispute Resolution, that he presented at the Project Management Institute’s 25th Annual Seminar/Symposium, October 17-19, 1994. Steve has taught several hundred seminars and authored numerous papers on construction methods and management, public works management, contract methods, claims, and dispute resolution.
Speaker: Pinnell, Steven
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Steve Pinnell
Pinnell Busch, Inc.
Steve Pinnell is a civil engineer and principal with Pinnell Busch, Portland. ᅠSteve has over 30 years of experience in the management of engineering and construction projects. ᅠHe has worked as a contractor’s superintendent, estimator and project engineer and as a resident engineer, designer and project manager for consulting engineers. ᅠHis work experience includes projects in the San Francisco Bay area, Alaska, Korea, Chile and the Pacific Northwest. ᅠAs a Construction Consultant he has helped contractors with a wide range of on-site and corporate management issues including estimating, scheduling, cost accounting, jobsite management, contract administration, productivity improvement, claims and dispute resolution. ᅠAs a Construction Manager, he has planned and supervised the design and construction of manufacturing facilities, commercial and institutional buildings, and a wide range of civil works. ᅠAs a Public Works Management Consultant, his experience includes federal, state and municipal agencies with a focus on productivity improvements, organizational structures, training, program management systems, and implementation of large capital construction programs. ᅠSteve holds a M.S.C.E., Construction Management from Stanford University and a B.S., Civil Engineering from the University of Arizona.
Robert A. Nissen
Robert Nissen, Project Manager, Jacobs Engineering , Houston Texas, has over 13 years of refinery and chemical plant project management experience. ᅠHe worked for Amoco Corporation for over 9 years managing an assortment of refinery and chemical capital projects in North Dakota, Utah, Alabama, and Texas. He has also worked for FMC Corporation (Astaris LLC) managing the engineering and construction of a world scale purified phosphoric acid plant in Idaho. ᅠHe is currently a Project Manager at Jacobs Central Region office in Houston, Texas assigned to the BP Cherry Point Clean Gasoline Project.
Robert A. Nissen
Robert Nissen, Project Manager, Jacobs Engineering , Houston Texas, has over 13 years of refinery and chemical plant project management experience. ᅠHe worked for Amoco Corporation for over 9 years managing an assortment of refinery and chemical capital projects in North Dakota, Utah, Alabama, and Texas. He has also worked for FMC Corporation (Astaris LLC) managing the engineering and construction of a world scale purified phosphoric acid plant in Idaho. ᅠHe is currently a Project Manager at Jacobs Central Region office in Houston, Texas assigned to the BP Cherry Point Clean Gasoline Project.
Richard Campbell
Manager of Technical and Engineering Services
The Industrial Company (TIC)
Richard is Manager of Technical and Engineering Services for The Industrial Company (TIC). ᅠThis division provides in-house start-up and engineering capabilities to one the industry’s leading constructors.
Prior to joining TIC, Richard was President of the Ben Holt Company, a Pasadena-based engineering company involved in power and process facility design. ᅠDuring his 23 years at Holt, Richard also served in a variety of other roles including Process Engineer, Project Manager, and Start-Up Manager.
Richard has also been President of the Geothermal Resources Council, Director of the International Geothermal Association, and Chairman of the Southern California Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. ᅠRichard has a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from Caltech, and a BS in Chemical Engineering from UC Davis.
Category: CCE
Speaker: Falcone, Carmine
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Carmine Falcone
Vice President, Manufacturing and Supply
Shell Oil Products USA
Category: CCE
Speaker: Whalen, Joel
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Joel Whalen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing
Kellstadt Graduate School of Business
DePaul University
Chicago, IL
Author of “I See What You Mean, Persuasive Business Communication”.
Joel Whalen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing
Kellstadt Graduate School of Business
DePaul University
Chicago, IL
Author of “I See What You Mean, Persuasive Business Communication”
Doug Broz
Fluor Daniel Northwest
Doug Broz is Project Manager for Fluor Daniel Northwest Inc. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Doug has work as a Project Engineer and Project Manager for the last nine years in support of a Department of Energy Site located in eastern Washington. His duties have includes oversight of several construction projects ranging from the disposal of Naval reactors to design and construction of an automated waste packaging facility. Doug’s current position is in support of the Year 2000 program at the Department of Energy, Hanford Site, responsible for the Year 2000 readiness of Embedded Systems.
Ed Gibson
Ed Gibson is Vice President and principle consultant with MetaPower Inc., a management consulting firm head quartered in Vancouver, Washington. He has over 20 years experience working with various companies on information system development and implementation. He was co-founder of an information systems startup company specializing in work management applications for the transportation industry.
Douglas Herzbrun
CB Richard Ellis Investors
Douglas Herzbrun is responsible for CB Richard Ellis Investors’ research activities. He directs the strategic analyses of the national office, industrial and retail markets; provides input to the portfolio management and acquisition processes; and communicates research findings to investors. He also oversees the firm’s proprietary databases and interaction with Torto Wheaton Research, and directs input into the property and portfolio performance forecasts. Mr. Herzbrun received a B.A. in history from the University of California at Berkley and a M.C.R.P. in city and regional planning from Harvard University.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Givens, Edward "Ned"
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Edward "Ned" Givens
Associate Director
Construction Industry Institute
Austin, TX
Discover how recent technological innovations in other major industries have spilled over into the construction arena and influenced research projects at the Construction Industry Institute (CII). CII’s newest endeavors focus on ensuring innovative technological initiatives for construction.
Ed Merrow
Independent Project Analysis, Inc.
Reston, VA
Edward W. Merrow is the Founder and President of Independent Project Analysis, Inc. Over the 12 years of its existence, IPA has grown from a one-person consultancy to become the preeminent global consulting organization for capital investment projects for the capital intensive manufacturing industries around the world. After starting his career as an Assistant Professor at UCLA, Ed spent 14 years at the RAND Corporation where he developed and directed RAND’s analyses of new process technology development and commercialization. Ed served as Director of RAND’s Energy and the Process Industries Programs.
Since founding IPA in 1987, Ed has devoted most of his research time for further development of the Project Evaluation System (PES), the original research for which he started in 1977. Over the past 12 years, the PES methodology has been applied to over 4,000 major projects for chemical, minerals, petroleum production and refining, pharmaceutical and paper manufacturing firms, around the world. In addition, over $600 billion of completed capital facilities have been added to the IPA databases under Ed’s guidance and several major validation studies have been conducted.
Like all members of the IPA professional staff, Ed continues to publish actively and participates in activities and meetings for the American Chemical Society and the American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and recently authored the Business Round Table’s publication, The Business Stake in Effective Engineering. Ed has testified before the US Congress in matters pertaining to overruns in major capital projects and served as a panel member for the National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Engineering on the analysis of project risks. Ed was the 1998 recipient of the Construction Industry Institute’s highest honor, the Carrol H. Dunn Award of Excellence.
Lindsay Audin
Energywiz, Inc.
AEE Energy Managers Hall of Fame, International Energy Manager of the Year, named Energy Manager of the Year by Energy User News, Assoc. of Professional Energy Managers, and N.Y Association of Energy Engineers, Energy Star University Partner of the Year, Certification Board of Energy Procurement Professionals, columnist for Architectural Record, Engineered Systems, and Energy & Environmental Management.
Mark Konchar
Centex Construction
Fairfax, VA
Mark Konchar, Ph.D. is an Assistant Superintendent and a leader in Research & Development with Centex Construction Co. located in Fairfax, VA. He is currently working on the National Research Council project, a 350,000 square foot design-build office building in Washing, D.C. Prior to joining Centex, Konchar co-founded the Project Delivery Institute (PDI), an organization designed to develop and deliver educational materials to help owners and project team members understand how to better deliver facilities. He was a post-doctoral research scholar in the Dept. of Architectural Engineering at Penn State University. He developed an owner’s guide for project delivery selection decisions to illustrate critical owner responsibilities prior to and throughout the project delivery process. Konchar has analyzed distinguishing characteristics of leading design-build and general contracting firms in the US. He was also instrumental in developing design-build best practice procedures published by DBIA.
Speaker: Kelly, Elizabeth S
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Elizabeth S. Kelly, P.E.
Program Manager
Seattle Public Utilities
Ms. Kelly is a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Washington, and has been with Seattle Public Utilities for ten years. She manages a team of four project managers in implementing large capital improvement projects using conventional and alternative contracting approaches. Liz was the project manager responsible for implementation of SPU’s Tolt DBO project. Other projects managed by Ms. Kelly and her team include the Cedar Treatment Facility DBO project and the Landsburg Dam improvement, which includes construction of fish ladders to enable salmon to access 17 miles of pristine river habitat.
Speaker: Kelly, Elizabeth S
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Elizabeth S. Kelly, P.E., Program Manager, Seattle Public Utilities
Scott Trusler, P.E., Vice-President, CH2M HILL, Constructors, Inc.
Elizabeth S. Kelly, P.E.
Program Manager
Seattle Public Utilities
Ms. Kelly is a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Washington, and has been with Seattle Public Utilities for ten years. She manages a team of four project managers in implementing large capital improvement projects using conventional and alternative contracting approaches. Liz was the project manager responsible for implementation of SPU’s Tolt DBO project. Other projects managed by Ms. Kelly and her team include the Cedar Treatment Facility DBO project and the Landsburg Dam improvement, which includes construction of fish ladders to enable salmon to access 17 miles of pristine river habitat.
Scott Trusler, P.E.
CH2M HILL, Constructors, Inc.
Mr. Trusler is a senior project manager for large water supply and treatment and water system planning projects. Scott also is as a project delivery specialist and provides training in the CH2M HILL Project Delivery system to CH2M HILL staff and to other organizations. Recent projects include managing the treatment and conveyance systems facility plan and ongoing regulatory support for Seattle’s 275-mgd Cedar River water source. He is currently is heading up the design for the Cedar Treatment Facility DBO project for the Seattle Public Utilities.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Pinnell, Steven S
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Steven S. Pinnell, P.E., Ponnell Busch, Portland, OR
Tony Bolstad, Project Services Manager, TIC, The Industrial Company NW Region, Tualatin, OR
These are the slides from an intensive, fast-paced 4-hour seminar addressing common scheduling pitfalls, explaining how schedules affect project success, and recommending scheduling specifications and procedures for owners and contractors. Participants will learn how to prepare, or evaluate, a construction claim, how to estimate, or evaluate, delay and acceleration costs. And, how to estimate impact and inefficiency costs. (Much of the seminar is based on Pinnell’s book, How to Get Paid for Construction Changes)
James M. Butler
Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP
James F. Butler is a partner in the Atlanta law firm of Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP. Mr. Butler practices construction law, with particular emphasis on design-build projects and environmental remediation work. He worked with the National Society of Professional Engineers Design-Build Task Force and was awarded the Rich Allen Meritorious service for his efforts in developing a design-build curriculum for the engineering and construction industries. He has delivered design-build programs to the Army Corps of Engineers, ASCE, Georgia Tech, Stanford U., the American Bar Assoc. and DBIA. Mr. Butler is a graduate of Duke University and the University of Kentucky College of Law and was a contributing author to the Design-Build Contracting Handbook.
John Beyer
Bonnie Howard
Fluor Daniel Northwest
John Beyer is a Project Manager with Fluor Daniel Northwest Inc. John is a certified Project Management Professional with over 12 years of experience in the industry. He was the project manager on the design and construction of an $11.4M radioactive waste system renovation which was recognized by the Columbia Basin Chapter of the Project Management Institute as the 1997 “Project of the Year.” This project was further submitted for consideration in the national competition, where it placed behind the winning project, NASA’s Mars Pathfinder Project.
Bonnie Howard is a Project Control Engineer with Fluor Daniel Northwest Inc. Bonnie has over 21 years experience in financial management and project planning/scheduling. Her professional emphasis has been on project planning and controls, assisting in the forecasting, scheduling, resource loading, and cost analysis of a variety of project.
Gregory A. Howell, P.E.
Lean Construction Institute
Dynamic projects require a new approach. Current project management cannot deliver projects that are complex and pressed for speed. Founded on a simplistic conceptualization of work, and a deficient definition of control, current practices hide the waste they create. The price is paid in extended project durations, wasted capacity, inferior facilities and adversarial relations. Learn how lean construction’s production planning and control in design and construction maximize value through the use of collaborative processes.
Greg Toy
Senior Management Consultant
EMS Inc. / Clark Wilson Group
Mr. Toy is the principal of EMS Inc. and provides management consulting services with a prmary focus on the construction industry. He was Director of Human Resources for the former Wright Schuchart Inc., and has been an independent consultant for the part thirteen years. Mr. Toy has worked with client organizations consisting of Owners in both the public and private sectors, A&E firms, general contractors, and specialty sub-contractors. Greg’s expertise includes assessment-based development of Leadership, Management, and Teaming skills, Executive Search, and facilitation of management retreats. He is a contributing author and senior consultant to the Clark Wilson Group, researchers and publishers of psychometric surveys.
Speaker: Anderson, Julian
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Julian Anderson
President, North America
Rider Hunt Levett & Bailey
Julian Anderson, FAIQS, CCC is a qualified quantity surveyor with over 26 years professional experience. He has worked on projects throughout Australia, Asia, the Pacific islands, the US and Canada providing cost management and other control services and has been engaged as an expert witness in numerous construction litigation cases. For the past 10 years he has lived and worked in the USA in the capacity of President, North America for Rider Hunt Levett & Bailey, an international construction and property consultancy.
Mr. Anderson is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and a member of the Construction Specification Institute (USA). He is certified by the AACE as a Certified Cost Consultant and in 1997 received the American Institute of Architects (Honolulu Chapter Presidents Award for services to the profession of architecture.
David Bentley
Construction Consultant
Ernst & Young LLP
David Bentley, Senior Manager in the Construction Industry Services Group, Ernst & Young Kenneth Leventhal Real Estate Group, Century City, California. Prior to his becoming a consultant in 1992, Mr. Bentley spent 19 years in the engineering and construction industry. Mr. Bentley’s experience covers all phases of design and construction, from feasibility studies to project close-out. His consulting engagements have included: pipelines, power plants, airports, industrial facilities and a wide range of commercial projects. Mr. Bentley received his BS in Business Administration/Natural Science from Michigan State University, his MBA from Pepperdine University and studied Civil Engineering at the University of Alaska and California Polytechnic University at Pomona.
David Bentley
Construction Consultant
Ernst & Young LLP
David Bentley, Senior Manager in the Construction Industry Services Group, Ernst & Young Kenneth Leventhal Real Estate Group, Century City, California. Prior to his becoming a consultant in 1992, Mr. Bentley spent 19 years in the engineering and construction industry. Mr. Bentley’s experience covers all phases of design and construction, from feasibility studies to project close-out. His consulting engagements have included: pipelines, power plants, airports, industrial facilities and a wide range of commercial projects. Mr. Bentley received his BS in Business Administration/Natural Science from Michigan State University, his MBA from Pepperdine University and studied Civil Engineering at the University of Alaska and California Polytechnic University at Pomona.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Carsman, Howard
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Howard Carsman
Attorney and Facilitator
Bullivant Houser & Bailey
Portland, OR
This program will provide practical approaches to resolving construction disputes on the project site to reduce or eliminate litigation and maintain positive business relationships. Learn about the dispute resolution and dispute avoidance processes available, contract provisions, and best practices for utilizing the new techniques. Discover new ways to preserve client relationships and achieve successful project outcomes.
Ron Prichard, PE, Ph.D.
Risk Consultant
AON Worldwide Resources
M. R. Davenny
Michael Davenny is currently the program leader for the Commercial Airplane Group’s (BCAG) Headquarters Project, a project of over 300,000 square feet of office space. Prior to this position, he was the leader in the BCAG’s Strategic Partnering program. In 1990, Mr. Davenny was asked to be the project manager for the Integrated Aircraft Systems Laboratory. This design-build project was valued at $108 million and was completed in 27 months to meet the Boeing 777 airplane design development deadlines. Mr. Davenny, a civil engineer, has been with Boeing since 1978. He graduated from the University of Washington with a BS in Civil Engineering and Georgia State University in 1974 with a Master of Business-Management degree.
Susan Soller
Manager of the Strategic Partnering Initiative
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
Susan Soller is the manager of the Strategic Partnering Initiative for Boeing Commercial Airplane Group Facilities. An 18-year Boeing veteran, Ms. Soller has worked as a plant engineer and a construction project manager throughout the Puget Sound region, Washington DC and Canada. Her involvement with the partnering process dates back to 1992, with her work on the Customer Services Training Center Utilities and Communications Buildings. She holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering and a MA in Applied Psychology, which provides a unique perspective in managing 12 partnering relationships and working with Boeing organizations to maximize the effectiveness of the products and services provided.
Jim Pankow
Morrison Knudson Corporation
James Pankow is an engineering manager for the Morrison Knudsen Corp. located in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Pankow has 24 years experience with MK mostly in chemical process design for Dupont, PPG, Lubrizol, Union Carbide, GE, Diamond Shamrock and others. He spent six years as manager of the Process Dept. consisting of over 100 chemical engineers and designers working of capital projects ranging from $2 million ‘revamps’ to $400 million ‘turnkeys’. Mr. Pankow is currently a training coordinator and “Lessons Learned” facilitator for the entire engineering group. He has developed a unique approach to the all-important project phase of Front-End loading. The approach couples his engineering contractor’s view of ‘level-of-detail’ requirements and a ‘lessons learned’ perspective.
James D. Hebert
Senior Research Director and Founder
Hebert Research
James D. Hebert, is the President, Senior Research Director and Founder of Hebert Research, which employs nearly 80 researchers and serves more than 2,000 organizations in the US, Canada and Europe. Mr. Hebert is also an adjunct Professor of business at the University of Washington and specializes in teaching new product development and retail management. In addition, he is the Director of Research for Price Costco, a $22 billion wholesale membership club. Prior to founding Hebert Research at the age of 29, Mr. Hebert was an assistant vice president and manager of retail banking for First Interstate Bank. Mr. Hebert grew up at Mt. Rainier National Park, where he learned the importance of preserving the quality of the environment. His formal education was obtained from the University of Washington and Seattle University.
James D. Hebert
Senior Research Director and Founder
Hebert Research
James D. Hebert, is the President, Senior Research Director and Founder of Hebert Research, which employs nearly 80 researchers and serves more than 2,000 organizations in the US, Canada and Europe. Mr. Hebert is also an adjunct Professor of business at the University of Washington and specializes in teaching new product development and retail management. In addition, he is the Director of Research for Price Costco, a $22 billion wholesale membership club. Prior to founding Hebert Research at the age of 29, Mr. Hebert was an assistant vice president and manager of retail banking for First Interstate Bank. Mr. Hebert grew up at Mt. Rainier National Park, where he learned the importance of preserving the quality of the environment. His formal education was obtained from the University of Washington and Seattle University.
Wayne A. Crew, P.E.
Vice President, Maintenance
Kellogg Brown & Root
Wayne Crew, P.E., is vice president for maintenance with Kellogg Brown and Root. Mr. Crew directs KBR’s contract maintenance business which began in 1954 and today serves over 60 customers at over 100 plant locations. Mr. Crew has 26 years of experience in a wide range of management positions within KBR, its parent, Halliburton and Amoco. Mr. Crew received his MBA from the University of Houston, and his BSCE from Michigan State University.
Wayne A. Crew, P.E.
Vice President, Maintenance
Kellogg Brown & Root
Wayne Crew, P.E., is vice president for maintenance with Kellogg Brown and Root. Mr. Crew directs KBR’s contract maintenance business which began in 1954 and today serves over 60 customers at over 100 plant locations. Mr. Crew has 26 years of experience in a wide range of management positions within KBR, its parent, Halliburton and Amoco. Mr. Crew received his MBA from the University of Houston, and his BSCE from Michigan State University.
Tappan Munroe, PhD
Chief Economist
San Francisco, California
Dr. Tapan Munroe, chief economist, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco, California, one of the largest utilities in the US. Dr. Munroe is also the manager of the company’s Economic Vitality Program. A widely published author and a nationally known speaker, Dr. Munroe’s topics range from utility and energy economics to national economic and financial trends. He currently is a member of the Economic Advisory Board of the California Chamber of Commerce; on the Board of Directors of the Center for Pacific Rim Studies at the University of San Francisco and a Trustee of the San Francisco Art Institute. Dr. Munroe earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Colorado. He is a graduate of the Executive Training Program at the University of Chicago. Dr. Munroe has been a visiting scholar at MIT and Stanford University.
Tappan Munroe, PhD
Chief Economist
San Francisco, California
Dr. Tapan Munroe, chief economist, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco, California, one of the largest utilities in the US. Dr. Munroe is also the manager of the company’s Economic Vitality Program. A widely published author and a nationally known speaker, Dr. Munroe’s topics range from utility and energy economics to national economic and financial trends. He currently is a member of the Economic Advisory Board of the California Chamber of Commerce; on the Board of Directors of the Center for Pacific Rim Studies at the University of San Francisco and a Trustee of the San Francisco Art Institute. Dr. Munroe earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Colorado. He is a graduate of the Executive Training Program at the University of Chicago. Dr. Munroe has been a visiting scholar at MIT and Stanford University.
Speaker: Harrington, Tom
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Tom Harrington
Weyerhaeuser Engineering Services
Thomas F. Harrington is presently the manger of project contracting services for the Weyerhaeuser Co. in Federal Way, WA. Prior to joining Weyco, Tom was the general manager of refinery and gas projects for the Arabian American Oil Co. (Aramco) and has worked in various project and operating positions for Chevron. During his 40 year construction career, he has been responsible for projects involving over 20 million work hours of engineering and 100 million work hours of construction in the US and overseas. Tom has a BS degree in electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology and has attended Harvard Business School’s Aramco Middle Management Program and Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business Executive Program. Tom is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Construction Industry Institute.
Mr. Harrington’s talk consisted of a presentation along with two handouts. The first handout is an excerpt from “Innovative Strategies for Contractor Compensation” by William E. Howard and Lansford C. Bell, a report to the Construction Industry Institute, January 1998. The second handout is an excerpt from a Weyerhaeuser construction contract that features an incentive fee system.
John Battle
Past Director, Design & Construction
Microsoft Corp.
The transition from classic design-bid-build to more innovative project delivery requires different contracts and relationships, new teambuilding approaches, new incentives, revised risk-sharing and new attitudes. Experience is a great teacher. This panel presentation addresses “transitioning” and other challenges from an owner’s perspective.
Wesley Spang, Ph.D., P.E.
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
Portland, OR
Wesley Spang is a principal geotechnical engineer with AMEC Earth and Environmental, Portland, Oregon. Mr. Spang has 15 years of geotechnical engineering consulting experience, mainly in foundation engineering design and earthquake engineering. His foundation design has emphasized waterfront structures, commercial buildings and industrial facilities. His earthquake engineering work has included evaluation of sites for earthquake-induced damage including liquefaction, lateral spreading and ground amplification. Mr. Spang earned his BS and MS in civil engineering from Purdue University and his Ph.D. in civil engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also an adjunct professor at Portland State University in the Civil Engineering Dept.
Wesley Spang, Ph.D., P.E.
AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc.
Portland, OR
Wesley Spang is a principal geotechnical engineer with AMEC Earth and Environmental, Portland, Oregon. Mr. Spang has 15 years of geotechnical engineering consulting experience, mainly in foundation engineering design and earthquake engineering. His foundation design has emphasized waterfront structures, commercial buildings and industrial facilities. His earthquake engineering work has included evaluation of sites for earthquake-induced damage including liquefaction, lateral spreading and ground amplification. Mr. Spang earned his BS and MS in civil engineering from Purdue University and his Ph.D. in civil engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also an adjunct professor at Portland State University in the Civil Engineering Dept.
Karl V. Sturm
Manufacturing Analyst
Global Refining
Texaco, Inc.
Harrison, NY
Karl V. Sturm is the Manufacturing Analyst for Global Refining with Texaco, Inc. in Harrison, New York. Karl has been with Texaco since 1980 and has served in a variety of roles on domestic and international projects, including: project management; management of cost engineering activities; project capital cost estimating; development and maintenance of project control systems; and civil/structural analysis and design. He holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Lehigh University and an MBA from the University of Houston.
Frederick Biery
Fred Biery has over 20 years experience in project risk analysis for commercial and government clients. At IPA he has focused on the analysis of downstream projects from large megaprojects to smaller revamp projects to marketing projects (service stations / convenience stores). He has also performed project assessments for several large oil sands development efforts in Canada, refinery upgrades, steel mills, and paper mills. Along with many project assessments he has led project system benchmarkings and project workshops for various clients.
Fred is also focused on IPAs work benchmarking retail projects (e.g., service stations, retail stores). Prior to joining IPA Fred was with The Analytic Sciences Corporation were he led numerous project risk assessments and cost analyses of advanced technology projects, including leading cost analysis efforts for the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (the Star Wars program) and other national security programs. He led the Congressionally mandated cost risk analysis of the air traffic control system modernization efforts, provided analytical support to the Presidents Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management, and the National Defense Panel.
Mr. Biery was a Seminar XXI M.I.T. Fellow and holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in Economics from American University.
Category: CCE
Speaker: Voeller, John G
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John G. Voeller
Senior Vice President, Chief Knowledge Officer, Chief Technology Officer
Black & Veatch
Overland Park, Kansas
Recipient of ENRs Award of Excellence for Most Significant Individual Achievement in the Construction Industry, 1998
Using today’s best technologies and 30 years of construction industry experience, John Voeller will give us his vision of an ideal industry. Using what weve learned and what we can recycle, he’ll paint a picture of the new frontier for construction.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Fischer, Martin
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Martin Fischer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA
Martin Fischer, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) group. His research interests include applying advanced computer technologies to foster integration among project participants with a special focus on the design construction interface, cost estimating and construction scheduling. Fischer joined the Stanford faculty after completing his Ph.D. in the Stanford CEM Program in 1991. Dr. Fischer has been involved in projects in Europe, North America and the Far East.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Fischer, Martin
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Martin Fischer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA
Martin Fischer, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) group. His research interests include applying advanced computer technologies to foster integration among project participants with a special focus on the design construction interface, cost estimating and construction scheduling. Fischer joined the Stanford faculty after completing his Ph.D. in the Stanford CEM Program in 1991. Dr. Fischer has been involved in projects in Europe, North America and the Far East.
John Lynch
Asst. Director
Division of Engineering and Architectural Services
State of Washington Department of General Administration
Mr. Lynch is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Washington in both Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. During his 22 years with the Department of General Administration, he has managed numerous design and construction projects statewide for community colleges, the Departments of Social and Health Services, Corrections, and other state agencies. Mr. Lynch also has supervised a team of construction project managers for both the Departments of General Administration and Corrections.
Speaker: Vanegas, Jorge
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Dr. Jorge Vanegas
The Fred and Teresa Estrada Professor
College of Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Since Fall, 1999, Dr. Jorge Vanegas is the Fred and Teresa Estrada Professor in the College of Engineering (CoE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). [Note: This is a five-year appointment.] In this capacity, he is currently developing a focused, multi-disciplinary, and self-sustaining institutional infrastructure for education, research, and outreach in sustainable affordable housing and related civil infrastructure systems, for the U.S. and the Americas; and mentoring and advising the Hispanic Student Community within the CoE, and other colleges as the Faculty Advisor for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Student Chapter at Georgia Tech.
Speaker: Vanegas, Jorge
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Dr. Jorge Vanegas
The Fred and Teresa Estrada Professor
College of Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Since Fall, 1999, Dr. Jorge Vanegas is the Fred and Teresa Estrada Professor in the College of Engineering (CoE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). [Note: This is a five-year appointment.] In this capacity, he is currently developing a focused, multi-disciplinary, and self-sustaining institutional infrastructure for education, research, and outreach in sustainable affordable housing and related civil infrastructure systems, for the U.S. and the Americas; and mentoring and advising the Hispanic Student Community within the CoE, and other colleges as the Faculty Advisor for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Student Chapter at Georgia Tech.
Jeff Haight
Management & Information Systems Group
CH2M Hill
Seattle, WA
As director for e-procurement services, Mr. Haight leads business process reengineering studies, e-commerce and joint venture evaluations, and software reviews. For the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology site project, Mr. Haight helped develop a baseline of the existing procurement system, including procurement process mapping, measurement of cycle times, spend analysis, vendor mapping, and characterization. He led an e-commerce evaluation that included an industry and software review, RFP development, and selection/ implementation of the selected system at Rocky Flats ETS. Mr. Haight is also CH2M HILL’s national technology leader for decision support models and software.
Susan Sherrell
Contracting Officer
Team Leader Military Programs
Ms. Sherrell has been a Contracting Officer and team leader for Military Programs for the Corps of Engineers since 1997. Before joining the Corps of Engineers, she worked for The Department of Defense Medical Command as a Contracting Officer for the Tricare Contract in Region XII. Her contracting experience includes working for Director of Contracting at Ft. Lewis, Washington, and working for the Corps of Engineers as a contract specialist.
Terry H. Morlan, Ph.D.
Manager of Economic Analysis
Northwest Power Planning Council
With more than 25 years experience in the fields of energy demand analysis and forecasting, Dr. Morlan addresses Northwest regional economic forecasts, electricity demand forecasts, forecasts of energy prices and analysis of the economic structure of power markets. In addition, Dr. Morlan offers an economic evaluation of fish and wildlife recovery actions currently ongoing in the Northwest. Learn what we can expect on energy and conservation fronts in the years ahead.
Knute Nicolaisen, Engineering Manager
Bill Nolan, Chief Information Officer
Hermanson Corp.
1221 2nd Avenue North
Kent, WAᅠ 98032
(W) 206-575-9700
Knuth. Nicolaisen, PE, is engineering manager for Hermanson Corp., Kent, Washington. Mr. Nicolaisen’s duties include responsibility for all mechanical/HVAC pre-construction services and the training of office and construction personnel in design-build construction procedures. He has nine years of engineering experience in the design and construction of HVAC, piping, plumbing and fire protection systems for industrial and commercial facilities. His clients include: Boeing, General Motors, Amoco, Microsoft, Texaco, United Airlines and Sumitomo. Mr. Nicolaisen received his BS and MS in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington.
Learn how this firm uses project websites to provide seamless integration for design build projects.
Knute Nicolaisen, Engineering Manager
Bill Nolan, Chief Information Officer
Hermanson Corp.
1221 2nd Avenue North
Kent, WAᅠ 98032
(W) 206-575-9700
Knuth. Nicolaisen, PE, is engineering manager for Hermanson Corp., Kent, Washington. Mr. Nicolaisen’s duties include responsibility for all mechanical/HVAC pre-construction services and the training of office and construction personnel in design-build construction procedures. He has nine years of engineering experience in the design and construction of HVAC, piping, plumbing and fire protection systems for industrial and commercial facilities. His clients include: Boeing, General Motors, Amoco, Microsoft, Texaco, United Airlines and Sumitomo. Mr. Nicolaisen received his BS and MS in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington.
Learn how this firm uses project websites to provide seamless integration for design build projects.
Michael W. McMahon
Jacobs Engineering Group
Michael W. McMahon is senior vice president for Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., Pasadena, CA. Mr. McMahon has been with Jacobs for 11 years and is currently responsible for the Portland, San Jose, Phoenix and Albuquerque offices as well as for semiconductor operations worldwide. Mr. McMahon’s design-build experience includes a grass roots semiconductor facility for Fujitsu Microelectronics; a major newsprint expansion for Kimberly-Clark; a state of the semiconductor project for AMD Corp., and an additional array of projects exceeding $1.5 billion in capital value. Mr. McMahon received a BS in Economics and did graduate work in Finance.
Gretchen G. McComb
Managing Director
Owner Services Group
FMI Corporation
Denver, CO
Gretchen G. McComb is Managing Director, Owner Services Group, FMI Corporation, Denver, Colorado. In her position, Gretchen works closely with private corporations, utilities and government agencies to improve the effectiveness of the capital delivery and facilities maintenance process. The strategies developed effectively reduce cost, schedule and risk; and improve return on investment. She specializes in building effective relationships through project partnering, high-performance project teams and strategic alliances. Gretchen works closely with design and construction departments to evaluate business practices, including job-cost accounting, budgeting and estimating, and change management. Prior to joining FMI, Gretchen worked as an operations manager for Ralston Purina Co. and Coca-Cola. She holds a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Methodist University and master of business administration degree from the University of Denver.
John Battle
Director of Worldwide Facilities and Construction
Microsoft Corporation
John Battle is the Director of Worldwide Facilities Design and Construction in Microsoft’s Real Estate and Facilities Department. The Design and Construction group includes overall project management, as well as the design of the facilities, the furniture and the infrastructure (communications, electrical mechanical and structural strategies). This group is directly responsible for the delivery of space on campus, as well as the large number of complicated projects in the domestic and international markets.ᅠ
John joined Microsoft in 1995, after serving as a management consultant for two years. Previously, he was vice president of operations of H.S. Wright (a.k.a. Fletcher Wright) a local building contractor with divisions throughout the Pacific Rim. In this capacity, he was responsible for projects from LA to Alaska and was a consultant to Fletcher’s projects in California and Hawaii.
Originally from Virginia, John attended Middlebury College in Vermont and Columbia Graduate School of Architecture in NYC. He resides in Seattle, with his wife and three children.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Findley, Dean
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Dean Findley
Area Manager
Independent Project Analysis, Inc.
Reston, VA
Within the process industries, what are the primary drivers for project success? What can other types of capital construction learn from these industries? Does the type of project delivery and contracting strategy play a significant role in project outcomes? Independent Project Analysis, Inc. draws on its database of over 4,000 process projects to empirically answer these questions.
Steve Franklin
Harris Group
Steve Franklin, Cost Engineer, Harris Group, Inc., Portland, Oregon. Steve has more than 22 years of experience in civil engineering and construction management. His experience includes both home office and on-site project control monitoring of construction costs, engineering costs, scheduling, estimating and budget preparation. He has expertise in all project control functions for total engineering, procurement and construction projects; including reports and procedures from estimate preparation and workforce/construction schedules to financial productivity and cash flow analysis. He has worked in both client-server (centralized) and PC-based (local) computer system environments with a variety of spreadsheet, database and scheduling software.
Pirayeh Long
Pirayeh Long is a project manager with URS Construction Services, based in Seattle. She has 15 years experience in project construction management. Pirayeh has acquired a broad background in construction/project management of transportation (transit), manufacturing, industrial, and educational facilities. She has had full responsibility for completion of projects on schedule and within budget. Her professional responsibilities have included: managing the development of technical design documents and specifications; acquisition of permits; awarding and administering contracts; resolving field issues; monitoring contractors daily activities; negotiating and issuing change orders; administering cost and schedules; and negotiating claims; and closing-out projects.
Prior to joining URS two years ago, Pirayeh worked with The Boeing Co., Coffman Engineers and Heery International. She earned he BS in Civil Engineering from Portland State University and a Project Management Certificate from the Battelle Institute. She holds professional memberships in the Project Management Institute and the Council of Educational Facility Planners, International.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Loulakis, Michael C
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Michael C. Loulakis
Senior Shareholder
Wickwiere Gavin, P.C.
Vienna, VA
Michael C. Loulakis is a Senior Shareholder in Wickwire Gavin, P.C., Vienna, Virginia a law firm that specializes in the representation of domestic and international clients on construction-related matters. Mr. Loulakis has extensive and diverse background in advising clients on project delivery systems –particularly in the design-build process. He has represented owners, contractors and design professionals on design-build projects in the multi-family housing, power, telecommunications, health care, public facility, and transportation sectors of the construction industry. His role on these projects ranges form advising owners about the right project delivery system to use on the projects to contract drafting, claims administration and dispute resolution. Mr. Loulakis also provides strategic planning advice to contractors and design professionals who are interested in participating in the design-build contracting arena.
Mr. Loulakis is a national speaker on construction management and design-build and is the author of over 40 publications on project delivery systems and construction law. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) and is currently chairman of the DBIA Manual of Practice committee, which recently published DBIA’s standard form design-build contracts.
One of Mr. Loulakis’ most recent works is the development of a highly acclaimed interactive CD program entitled Construction Project Delivery Systems: Evaluating the Owner’s Alternatives, produced and distributed by A/E/C Training Technologies. This program provides a comprehensive review of all major project delivery systems, as well as a selection methodology for owners who are interested in an analytical approach to determining the best way to deliver the project.
Mark Bury
Master Builders
Cleveland, OH
Mark A. Bury, is a product manager in the Product Marketing Group at Master Builders, Inc., Beachwood, Ohio. In 1994, Mr. Bury initiated a research program to study concrete in microgravity followed by a successful experiment on concrete aboard the space shuttle, Endeavor. Mr. Bury has been awarded the Master Builders Master Merit Award in 1988 and in 1994. He also received a Managers Award for Excellence in 1987. Mark holds a US Patent for corrosion-inhibiting admixture for steel reinforced concrete and has authored and co-authored eight papers in various concrete industry journals. Mr. Bury earned a Bachelors degree in Business Administration from Baldwin Wallace College.
Jon C. Vanden Bosch
Construction Industry Institute
Jon C. Vanden Bosch, P.E, is the associate director for research at the Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas in Austin, a position he has held since 1992. Mr. Vanden Bosch graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point in 1955 with a BS degree. He received his M.S. in Engineering from Princeton University and served in the US Army Corps of Engineers from 1955-1979. Mr. Vanden Bosch concluded his service with the Corps as District Engineer at Galveston, Texas. From 1979-1992, Mr. Vanden Bosch was employed as vice president with two design and CM firms, and for over five years was the Director of Public Works for the City of Houston.
Speaker: Heath, Bart
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Mr. Bart Heath
Bart Heath is a construction manager for Boeing and recently completed the $80-million Boeing Commercial Airplane Group Headquarters Office Building at Longacres, near Seattle. His involvement began with the selection of designers and contractors and continued through programming, design, permitting and construction. He has been with the Boeing Facilities Department for 13 years, working on major projects for the past nine years. Bart has also made multiple trips to Beijing, China to manage the office design and construction for Boeing China, Inc. Prior to joining Boeing, he was a project engineer with a post-tensioned concrete contractor on NW bridge projects. He earned a degree in civil engineering at the University of Washington.
Category: CCE
Speaker: James, Chris
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Mr. Chris James
Director, Air Planning and Standards Division
Connecticut Department of Environmental Planning
Today’s environmental permitting regulations are frustrating many facility owners and builders. Improvements in monitoring, increased public awareness and common sense promote integrated approaches that consider: multi-pollutant strategies; energy and economic considerations; and policy instruments that support efficient use of resources. Regulatory agencies are recognizing successes with streamlined permitting, technology transfer and certification. Facility owners want cost-effective solutions and short-term paybacks. Learn whats working and whats adding to the chaos from one of the country’s most respected environmental policy leaders; a proficient negotiator amidst the needs of industry and environmental quality.
Mr. Andrew Clapham
Project Coordinators, Inc.
Mr. Clapham was born and educated in the United Kingdom. After graduating, he immigrated to South Africa. While there, he worked as the construction manager for a variety of civil engineering companies. He later opened his own civil and structural design company. Andrew came to the US in 1989 and accepted a position with the Boeing Co. At Boeing, he was involved in development of the North Duwamish Campus for the Integrate Aircraft Systems Lab and Longacres Park. Following a stint in Beijing, China, he was appointed Project Manager for Benaroya Hall, participating in the Boeing Co’s loaned executive program. Andrew recently left the Boeing Co. to become a principal with Project Coordinators, Inc.
Curt Kraft
Baugh Enterprises
Curt Kraft began his construction career in 1976 and joined Baugh in 1981. He has been project manager and officer-in-charge on a wide range of industrial and commercial projects. In 1991, he became a vice president of Baugh and now serves as project executive for projects of various divisions and as senior project manager or, officer-in-charge, on large and complex projects. Curt also has experience in estimating and managing projects in which Baugh was a member of the design/construction team. Prior to joining Baugh, Mr. Kraft worked in the mechanical contracting industry. He holds a BS in industrial engineering from the University of Washington.
Daniel N. Wood
Seattle Coffee Company
Dan Wood is the director of engineering for Seattle Coffee Company (SCC). Dan brings 20 years construction and project management experience to this position, which he assumed in 2001. With SCC, Dan controls the production related capital expansion and long term projects for Seattles Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia. Dan is also the president of DAAS Project Management, a consulting firm that provides construction management services throughout the Northwest. Dans construction background includes 10 years with both Baugh Industrial Contractors and Walsh Construction Co., and ranges from projects in the pulp and paper industry through manufacturing, hospitals and office buildings, retail and mining across the US. Originally from Colorado, and a graduate in mechanical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, Dan and his family currently reside in the Portland area.
Martin Fischer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Construction Engineering & Management Program
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA
Martin Fischer is an associate professor in the Construction Engineering and Management Program, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on project management. His current active research projects include: Model-based constructability analysis, collaborative 4D modeling, managing coordination and dependence among firms within a virtual corporation, concurrent product process and organization engineering. Dr. Fischer received his MS and Ph.D. in civil engineering from Stanford. He was listed among ENRs Top 25 Newsmakers for 1996 and holds membership in a broad spectrum of industry organizations.
In lieu of his presentation, Dr. Fischer has provided NWCCC with a copy of the paper on which his presentation was based. The paper, titled “Industrial Case Study of Electronic Design, Cost and Schedule Integration”.
Speaker: Busch, Jeffrey S
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Jeff Busch, Darien S Loiselle, Dick Porterfield, Bruce McDonald, Bruce Fong
Jeff Busch
Pinnell-Busch, Inc.
Sr. Consultant & Principal – with 25 years experience he specializes in project & construction management, partnering facilitation, dispute management programs, mediation and management training.
Darien S. Loiselle
Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt
Lawyer – experience includes commercial, insurance, and construction issues, including construction lien and defect litigation, insurance coverage and surety litigation, and BOLI and prevailing wage compliance.
Dick Porterfield
Maxson Young Assoc. Inc.
Executive General Adjuster / Vice President – began his adjusting career in 1959. He specializes in the handling of complex commercial losses, including construction defect and builder’s risk.
Bruce McDonald
Maxson Young Assoc. Inc.
General Adjuster/Branch Manager – began his adjusting career in 1977. He currently serves as Treasurer for the Oregon Chapter of CPCU and is an instructor for the Insurance Educational Association.
Bruce Fong
Kaiser Permanente
Senior Project Manager of Design & Construction, NW Region – over 20 years experience in strategic planning, campus planning, life cycle cost analysis, building standards development and project management.
Kristine K. Fallon, FAIA
Kristine Fallon Associates, Inc.
Kristine K. Fallon, FAIA, is President of Kristine Fallon Associates, Inc. in Chicago. Her firm assists corporate facilities groups and A/E firms of all sizes with technology strategy, product selection and implementation. One area of in-depth technical specialization is legacy CAD system conversion. Her firm has assisted four of the world’s largest CAD vendors in analysis of the UD design and construction market. Fallon is a licensed architect who worked for 15 years in large A/E firms. She began her career at the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, where she developed the documentation, training program and support group for SOM’s proprietary CAD software, later marketed by IBM. Fallon is a recognized leader, lecturer and author in the field of applying information technology to architecture, engineering and facility management. In 1995, she was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects. She is currently serving on the national CADD Standard Committee and as an industry advisor to the “Fully Integrated and Automated Project Process” team of the Sloan Program at the University of Texas at Austin.Kristine K. Fallon, FAIA, is President of Kristine Fallon Associates, Inc. in Chicago. Her firm assists corporate facilities groups and A/E firms of all sizes with technology strategy, product selection and implementation. One area of in-depth technical specialization is legacy CAD system conversion. Her firm has assisted four of the world’s largest CAD vendors in analysis of the UD design and construction market. Fallon is a licensed architect who worked for 15 years in large A/E firms. She began her career at the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, where she developed the documentation, training program and support group for SOM’s proprietary CAD software, later marketed by IBM. Fallon is a recognized leader, lecturer and author in the field of applying information technology to architecture, engineering and facility management. In 1995, she was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects. She is currently serving on the national CADD Standard Committee and as an industry advisor to the “Fully Integrated and Automated Project Process” team of the Sloan Program at the University of Texas at Austin.
Speaker: McKernon, J Woolsey
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J. Woolsey McKernon
Director, Business Development and Marketing
Cephren, Inc.
J. Woolsey McKernon is director, business development and marketing for Cephren, Inc., Palo Alto, California. Mr. McKernon attained his early experience with the company managing the worldwide roll-out of the company’s flagship product, ProjectNet, at Bechtel Group, Inc. Prior to Cephren, Mr. McKernon was Director, Information Technology, for the largest general contractor in the San Francisco Bay Area, Webcor Builders. Prior to Webcor, Mr. McKernon worked in corporate business development at Autodesk, Inc., the world’s fifth largest software company. Some of Mr. McKernon’s achievements at the company included a partnership with Construction Market Data Group and McGraw-Hill, as well as associations with other technology providers.
Speaker: McKernon, J Woolsey
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J. Woolsey McKernon
Director, Business Development and Marketing
Cephren, Inc.
J. Woolsey McKernon is director, business development and marketing for Cephren, Inc., Palo Alto, California. Mr. McKernon attained his early experience with the company managing the worldwide roll-out of the company’s flagship product, ProjectNet, at Bechtel Group, Inc. Prior to Cephren, Mr. McKernon was Director, Information Technology, for the largest general contractor in the San Francisco Bay Area, Webcor Builders. Prior to Webcor, Mr. McKernon worked in corporate business development at Autodesk, Inc., the world’s fifth largest software company. Some of Mr. McKernon’s achievements at the company included a partnership with Construction Market Data Group and McGraw-Hill, as well as associations with other technology providers.
Jim Kovalcik
Vice President
Navy and Utility Programs
Mr. Kovalcik is a professional engineer with 27 years of experience in energy, facilities, and construction management. Mr. Kovalcik has extensive experience in contracting, construction management and project implementation. His Navy career includes serving as Director of Public Works for 180 Navy installations that delivered $1.8 Billion of services annually. His contracting experience includes successfully negotiating approvals for the U. S. government for Navy facilities overseas, including a new Navy Base in Naples. Applying his skills to the private sector, he established a division of a Public Utility to provide services for large governmental, commercial and industrial customers which generated $25 million in sales in the first two years of operation.
Category: Advantage
Speaker: Fischer, Martin
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Martin Fischer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Director for Integrated Facility Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford’s Center for Integrated Facility Engineering is exploring new possibilities for professionals to work together with computing and interaction devices. These technologies include linked smartboards to create interactive workspaces, CAVEs, and interactive 4D CAD tools. See how these new technologies were applied to Walt Disney Imagineering projects and to the Frank Gehry-designed EMP and Disney Concert Hall.
Cheri Ruf
Capital Procurement Manager
Cheri Ruf, is the capital procurement manger for Weyerhaeuser Engineering Services. Ms. Ruf is responsible for major capital project procurement in the US and Canada. she is the principal point of contact for key consultants, contractors and major equipment suppliers. She is also responsible for key supplier management master engineering services agreements and providing resources for Weyerhaeuser capital projects. She has been with the Weyerhaeuser Company for more than a dozen years and holds a BS degree in Business.
Martin Fischer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Stanford University
4D CAD combines a 3D CAD model with the construction schedule to simulate and display the construction sequence of a project with the computer. First developed about 10 years ago, 4D CAD is now increasingly used to communicate construction schedules more effectively to all project stakeholders and to try out alternative designs and construction approaches before actual construction. Martin Fischer is an associate professor in the Construction Engineering and Management Program, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on project management. His current active research projects include: Model-based constructability analysis, collaborative 4D modeling, managing coordination and dependence among firms within a virtual corporation, concurrent product process and organization engineering. Dr. Fischer received his MS and Ph.D. in civil engineering from Stanford. He was listed among ENRs Top 25 Newsmakers for 1996 and holds membership in a broad spectrum of industry organizations.
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